Tuesday 17 July 2018

Friday 16 February 2018: Adelaide Zoo

On our last day and, despite some misgivings as to how it might be, we decided to visit Adelaide Zoo.  We were pleasantly surprised by the excellent conditions which the animals were kept in.  The kangaroos for example were in a compound with relatively low fences surrounding them but, as one of the many zoo volunteers put it: "Why would you want to escape when you have a lovely environment with food on tap and nothing much else to worry about?"

We set off for breakfast on what was our last full day and were soon at the zoo ....

Glued to the pavement!

The Adelaide Fringe Festival was just starting up

Some posh folk were in town that day

Not sure that's how you spell "Elizabeth Interchange"!

Couple of posers - or are they really plastic?!
The highlight of Adelaide Zoo is the fact that it's the only zoo in the southern hemisphere to have giant pandas and they're housed in a superb environment.

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