Saturday 27 January 2018

And we finally arrived ....

Around 10 hours and 20 minutes after leaving Abu Dhabi, we touched down at Perth Airport in the early afternoon.  With a temperature of 32C and a cloudless sky, it was quite a contrast from what we'd left behind ....

Was this day light or moonlight? No, just Boeing's idea of what we might like coming in the window instead of sunlight!

Upper reaches of the Swan River

We got through immigration and customs without delay. Everyone is friendly and helpful and off we went to the luggage carousel.  We soon got Graeme's case off the belt and then there was a lull.  Bags disappeared and we found ourselves almost alone. Then Elizabeth's name was called out over the PA.  Yes, her case was still at Manchester Airport! They told us to expect it on the next day's flight and that reasonable expenses for clothing in the meantime would be reimbursed.

So, after a quick pit stop at the hotel off we went clothes shopping - on a public holiday when shops here are generally closed.  Here's Elizabeth posing with a couple of potential new outfits ....

This bar opposite our hotel had England losing to Australia in the 4th ODI of the series on the TV.  It's free-to-view in Australia! But don't down those beers too quickly - a pint and a half cost £9.25!

Perth Waterfront

Perth's 'Skyworks' to celebrate Australia Day

This bridge was NOT sponsored by McDonald's!

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