Wednesday 31 January 2018

Tuesday 30 January: Flight from Perth to Sydney

Flight time from Perth to Sydney is around 4 hours.  The two cities are just over 2000 miles apart so the journey is rather like flying from the UK to Lanzarote.  Add to that that he two places are 3 hours apart in terms of time zones and 7 clock hours pass just getting from A to B.

This was possibly the most hassle-free flight ever.  All the check-in was fully automated including the bag drop.  We were through security in no time.  The airport itself was spotless, modern and quiet.

The flight on Virgin Australia was excellent.  We watched a couple of films.  Borg McEnroe which was most enlightening - would not want to have had anything to do with Bjorn Borg – E never imagined that when she was a teenager!  The film must have been largely based on truth as Borg’s son – an up and coming tennis star himself and also an actor – was in it, playing Borg as a younger person.

We also watched Goodbye Christopher Robin which was lovely, but made us realise that AA Milne was a rather mercurial character, his wife Daphne wasn’t a particularly nice person and that being CR himself wasn’t always a bundle of laughs.

By the end of the day we were in Sydney and back on the waterfront again after an absence of almost two years.

Lots of choice in Starbuck's

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