Monday 29 January 2018


So, after around 75 minutes from Perth, we got off in Fremantle.

Straightaway we got on the hop on, hop off "tram" which does a tour of the city and we had a very informative guide who knew Mansfield and the Hutt Berni Inn as was by Newstead Abbey near Mansfield.  Wherever you go here it seems there are people with UK links!

Fremantle has a well preserved harbour trade quarter

Horse trough and drinking fountain installed by a father who had lost his two sons from thirst as they ventured up to Kalgoorlie in search of gold.

Fremantle Prison - in use until surprisingly recently!

And sometimes you feel you're in the USA!

Our "Tram"

Notice the periscope on the right

And here's the periscope

Fish and chip restaurant

Some fine architecture here with a colonial hint

Meant to typify an immigrant

No, not a first draft of the Sydney Opera House but a maritime museum!

Not the best side of Fremantle - a ship to take live exports of cattle or sheep to the Middle East

Tall ship - devoted particularly to changing the lives of wayward youth

Notice all those ropes!

The Leeuwin II has been round the world a number of times

Her lines are cast and away she goes ....

Not sure I can see the pod of dolphins said by our skipper to there fishing under the bridge.  Perhaps you can!

Replica of one of the ships of those very first people from western civilisation to discover Australia

Notice the bridge!

Redeveloped old brewery

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