Wednesday 31 January 2018

Wednesday 31st: Tour of Sydney Opera House

We were up fairly early and set off for our 9am tour of the Sydney Opera House.  We were met by our guide who reminded us that the land the Opera House is built on is sacred Aboriginal territory.  We then went inside.

We watched a short video which told us how Danish architect, JØrn Utzon, won the original design competition.  The actual build was not without its problems, to put it mildly, culminating in Utzon being removed from the project for being too demanding and too much of a perfectionist.  A classic case with an innovative building of creativity coming up against the harsh realities of how to engineer the design and finance it!

We were constantly reminded that we couldn’t take photos of the actual performance areas as the stage sets were subject to copyright and we couldn’t take photos if any staff or rehearsing performers were present.  As a result we haven’t got nearly as many as we might have.

We were initially taken into a small theatre where the likes of Cate Blanchett, Geoffrey Rush and Mel Gibson started out.  We were then taken into the concert hall and the Joan Sutherland theatre.

The happy ending to the Utzon story is that his son is now involved in the considerable (and - as always with the Sydney Opera House - very expensive!) refurbishments and apparently he has many of his father’s characteristics – but hasn’t been sacked off the project yet.

Our ship awaits!

Where lots of Australian stars of stage and screen first hit the big time.

Some great views on our tour from vantage points only open to those on the tour

One of the bars

Inevitably lots of concrete is involved

Before the railings were installed, a lady walked into the concrete support on the left and was killed

This area is affectionately known as the cleavage!

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