Saturday 27 January 2018

Saturday 27th

We set off from the hotel in search of breakfast and found things at reasonable prices at Aunt Maud's just down the street.

We continued on to the water's edge and walked around the water front there.  It's a very attractive environment.  We decided to take a boat somewhere and we plumped for the return cruise along the Swan River to Fremantle.

And what a great trip it turned out to be.

Supreme Court of Western Australia

You've "herd" of Sheffield, so this must be "pod" of Perth!

And very soon the alarm bells are ringing ....

Think they were making a promotional video

No, it isn't Venice!

So we set off on our 75-minute trip downstream to the port of Fremantle ....

The land for this Italianate property was bought in the late 1950s for around £1800. The owner has developed it into around a dozen individual units of habitation, one for each of his children.  The trouble is, they told him they don't like the idea of living so close together!

This property was recently sold for around £35 million

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