Friday 2 February 2018

Wednesday 31st: Breakfast

We decided we'd have breakfast on the water's edge - for which you do pay a premium of course - but we had to move in a row as it started to drizzle on us.  The waitress did warn us to beware of the seagulls but she didn't say anything about the brazen cheek of the more colourful local birdlife!

Studying the menu

Refuelling in progress

O-oh, my suspicions are aroused!
This bird was confirmed by a former colleague from North Notts College as being a Rainbow Lorikeet - and a very thirsty one at that

A neighbour's table

Our table - and that's my glass of water, mate if you don't mind! Well I didn't really want it so hadn't the heart to shoo him/her off. I did enjoy admiring the coloured plumage.

"Did you say something?"

They were clearly a pair - with the partner apparently acting as lookout!  And then they flew off together across the harbour towards the ship

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