Friday 2 February 2018

Friday 2 February - Sea Day

And still the wind howled around us and the waves were still high, but overall the day was a case of getting better, but only slowly.

We ventured into the Windjammer for some cereal and a hot drink but the tendency during the day was still to lie on the bed and hope the sea state would improve so that we could start to feel we were actually on a cruise!

In his midday update the captain did promise us slightly moderating winds and a fine day for the fiords, so perhaps we have turned the corner.

In the afternoon, a little web research revealed that we had experienced an exceptional couple of days - and that ex-tropical cyclone Fehi had been hammering parts of the South Island of New Zealand from Nelson to Dunedin and that local states of emergency had been declared.

We finally managed to get into circulation on the ship around teatime, reminding ourselves where things were on this class of ship.  We decided to see the evening show at 6.30pm - Piano Man - in the theatre at the bow of the ship.

We didn't last very long before we each looked at the other and said almost in unison: "I don't think I can do this!" as we bobbed up and down.  We headed for the middle of the ship and found two seats in an effort to regain our equilibrium.

After a while we headed off for dinner.  We each chose light courses and had a long chat with Australians on a neighbouring table.  Eventually we decided to call it a day.  The following morning we discovered that the show we had abandoned had been called off!

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