Wednesday 7 February 2018

Monday 5 February: Christchurch

Unfortunately for Christchurch, the defining theme 7 years on remains the 2011 earthquake in which 185 people died.

There had been earthquakes and tremors before this defining earthquake struck, including some which had registered higher on the Richter scale, but the February 2011 quake was so deadly because its origin was only a few kilometres below the surface and because it had a horizontal shift as well as a vertical shift.  Added to that was the fact that many buildings in the city had been weakened by earlier quakes.

If you'd like to read the detail of this earthquake, click here. There have been subsequent earthquakes, including one in 2016 which caused relatively little damage and no casualties were reported.

You can do a tram tour on any of a wide variety of vintage trams

This bridge on the tram route has a hump in the middle.  It didn't have it before 2011

That Queen Victoria lady gets everywhere

Where the tallest building in Christchurch once stood

Large parts of the city consist of cleared sites or derelict buildings awaiting either strengthening or demolition.  Everywhere you look there are machines working on sites with many buildings fenced off with 'Keep Out' signs.  It's like a post-war zone with people trying to carry on as normal

The coloured buildings remind me of Aruba

No new buildings over 9 storeys high are allowed without major additional building code requirements

I have never seen a tram route through a shopping centre before!

Do you ever get the feeling that the photographer likes metal things that move on metal rails?

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