Tuesday 13 February 2018

Tuesday 13 February: Sydney to Adelaide

We arrived in Sydney just as dawn was breaking and enjoyed some lovely views of the city waterfront as it awoke.

We were allowed to be one of the last to leave the ship.  We'd booked our bags into the left luggage storage facility at the Sydney Visitor Information Centre from 9am, thankfully only a short walk from the ship.

Our first reaction on arrival was that someone had turned the weather thermostat up and the weather was finally what we had expected on our cruise - nicely warm to hot!

Our departure from the ship was slightly disrupted when fire broke out on a nearby construction site and we weren't able to get a ferry from the main harbour terminal on Circular Quay.

One of Graeme's unfulfilled ambitions from our last visit here was to ride the ferries around Sydney Harbour.  Having been excluded from the main ferry terminal in Sydney, we walked around the corner, under the Harbour Bridge and on along the beautiful waterfront to Barangaroo.

There we boarded a Rivercat ferry for a ride upstream. The furthest we could go was to the Olympic Park, but that was a good hour's ride on this fast ferry.  If we thought that Sydney Harbour was big, we were in for a surprise.  It is huge and was a real eye opener for us as to how far upstream you can travel and how many beautiful inlets there are on each side on the way.

Many more photos and more text later ....

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