Friday 2 February 2018

Thursday 1st February: Sea Day

We'd been warned that the sea would be lively and so it proved to be.

Having returned to our cabin after dinner last night at around 8pm and, apart from a couple of spells on a windy and very salty balcony, spent the next 24 hours in the cabin. And it seems we weren't alone in that.  Quite hilarious that in the afternoon whilst the ship was happily rocking that the Poseidon Adventure was on the TV.

We did eventually make it to the windjammer for a light snack but were happy to get back to the cabin. E watched the Big Bash on TV and G had a sleep.

This is what we've been on hammered by -

As a measure of how it's been - and is - we've now been on board for 48 hours and have spent nothing yet!  All we've seen is the Windjammer, the dining room and our cabin.

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