Sunday 11 February 2018

Saturday 10 February: Bay of Islands

By all accounts this is a stunningly beautiful place near the top of New Zealand and good old Captain Cook gave it its name because of the countless islands lying within a large bay.

The trouble was, although it was quite warm, even humid, the day otherwise as reminiscent of a murky day in November in England - very poor visibility with heavy rain for most of the time.

I've artificially brightened up some of the photos that follow, otherwise they would show you very little.

We didn't get off the ship.  From overhearing a number conversations on board since then, it seems that a lot of other people didn't either.  However, some had booked excursions, including a cycle tour of the area which apparently still went ahead!

The best part of the day for me was the bird life as we left and birds flew alongside us in the hunt for an early supper!

Tender boats waiting for customers!

Getting ready to strike

Going in for the kill!

The same bird at rest

Our pilot leaves us to our own devices

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