Thursday 15 February 2018

Wednesday 14 February: A Stroll Around Adelaide

PLEASE NOTE: I've added quite a few photos to this post overnight

We had a very trouble-free flight with Virgin Australia from Sydney to Adelaide.  Our clocks went back 30 minutes and we landed as scheduled at 7.55pm.

We were soon in a taxi heading for the Majestic Roof Garden Hotel in the centre of Adelaide (well reviewed on TripAdvisor and good value if booked a long time in advance and with a no cancellation / no changes clause!)

We dropped our bags and went next door to a very good pizza place for a late meal before calling it a day.

Next morning we had a leisurely get up and then headed out to explore the city.  Breakfast was in a cafe in the basement of one of the many mini shopping malls/arcades and on we went along the central, pedestrianised area ....

It got much busier later ....

Many beautiful old buildings in Adelaide

I do believe he's got his didgeridoo out!

This girl played truly beautifully

I thought this sculpture might be meant to represent some aspects of UK corporate management, but apparently not!

I think we had the joke about the old bore on the old boar at Balmoral last summer, didn't we?

The pigs were a constant source of fascination to many who passed by ....

Some things are meant to haunt you!

The man who finally fulfilled Captain's Cook's original brief - to find the rumoured Terrra Australis

South Australia's Government House

Mix of a magpie and a rook/crow?

Getting ready for the Adelaide Festival

A first glimpse of the Adelaide Oval

Performance arena for the Adelaide Festival?

River Torrens

There's an extensive 'green belt' all around the centre of Adelaide

Anglican Cathedral

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