Friday 9 February 2018

Thursday 8 February: Tauranga - Day Trip - Kiwi fruit farm

Kiwi fruit is only really grown in two places - in New Zealand and in Italy.  Italy exports almost no kiwi fruit so New Zealand fills the gap.

Until relatively recently the fruit was called a Chinese gooseberry but the New Zealand authorities managed to get the name changed officially to Kiwi Fruit without apparently a stern challenge from the EU commission on behalf of Italy!

Kiwi fruit grow on vine-like plants.  If they bump together in the wind they will bruise and become worthless. Therefore growers take great pains to build wind shields to protect the fruit.


Seems you can do anything and everything with it!

I only knew of the green version, whose skin we don't normally eat, but there's also a gold version and people do normally eat the skins of those

Apologies for the blurred photo - taken at speed and with the wrong camera setting!

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