Friday 9 February 2018

Tuesday 6 February: Wellington - Te Papa Museum

The Te Papa Museum came highly recommended and the highlight without a shadow of a doubt was the Gallipoli section.

We began with the viewing platform at the top (views only through glass) and worked our way down the building.  The building's design is quite wacky, so finding your way from one floor to another took some time ....

Made of Lego

View from the top

Facsimile of the Treaty of Waitangi

Gallipoli: The Scale of Our War

This is a major part of Te Papa at the moment.  It was quite a surprise, not particularly to see the sheer numbers of people passing through this part of the museum, but to see the number of young people doing so.  This ill-fated campaign is understandably deeply embedded in the Australian and New Zealand psyche and the impact of the exhibits was stunning.

What has struck us here when visiting such places is the very high quality of the displays and especially the lighting.

To see how they created this magnificent display, click here.

For the general website on this, click here.

The image they use on all publicity material

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