Thursday 8 February 2018

Monday 5 February: Christchurch - Working our Way back to the Coach

Variations on this type of notice are on buildings everywhere

This tram was being brought out of the depot for a private party. We got into conversation with the man who runs the network.  He said this one began life in the USA and was then used in Invercargill, the most southerly town in New Zealand. He showed us a photo of it as it was when he bought it - a bare hulk - and said it cost £200,000 to restore it.

Changing the direction of the electrical conductor

Interesting street furniture

At this tram stop we got into conversation with a young local couple. The woman wistfully said at one point that every time she came into the city she felt that yet another landmark structure that she used to orientate herself by had disappeared

I never realised that Lord Rutherford, who was involved in the first Cambridge experiment to split the atom, was a Kiwi

Punting on the River Avon

One of the top private schools in New Zealand

One of the oldest buildings in New Zealand

The locals say this makes them think of Hogwarts

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